Best 320kbps Mp3 Download Sites
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Most of my music is at 320, but some is at 256kbps. The difference is minimal, but most of my MP3 files are transferred from store bought CDs. You can definitely hear the difference when you go down to 128. Mostly in the high frequencies that get all wishy washy. I can't stand that ultra compressed sound personally, BUT for a new DJ playing through some Mr. DJ of Pyle Pro speakers, the difference won't be as noticeable as it will sound like crap either way.
Simply slightly different flavors of crap.:-) If you're using good quality speakers OTOH, the lower bitrate tracks will be even more obvious. Although 128 can be horrible, a lot of 192 files are decent-good.every song is different.
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Download 320kbps Songs Free
Nowadays, a lot of hit songs aren't even mixed and mastered properly, so even the 320 versions don't sound all that good. While some songs were mixed GREAT and the 192 versions sound decent.
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