Wake Up Sid

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Wake Up Sid

Wake Up Sid Youtube

Wake Up Sid [Ranbir Kapoor, Konkona Sen Sharma] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is the story of Sidharth Mehra (Ranbir Kapoor),.

In Mumbai, Sid Mehra is, in the words of his father, an arrogant, spoiled brat. He lives with a doting mother, subservient brother, and a father who covers his expenses and credit card bills. Sid takes his college finals then starts work at his father's business; he lasts less than a week before walking out. At a graduation party, he meets Aisha, newly arrived from Calcutta and set on becoming a writer.

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He shows her the city and helps her refurbish a rented flat. He asks if she'd like to progress from friend to something more, but she says no: he lacks ambition and isn't her type. Will her words, his exam results, a confrontation with his parents, and a break with his friends be enough to wake Sid up? I'm am new to IMDb and i have to say that Wake Up Sid! Was worth writing my first comment for. Is kind of a coming of age movie about this guy Siddharth Mehra who refuses to grow up. Mitsubishi gx developer download.

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